Monday, December 2, 2013

The giver

Hi my name is Clay. I have a sister that was released when she was a 9. My family unit is kinda messed up we live right on the corner of maine street. My mother and father are both work in the  nursery  I am a 13 everyone thinks me and my family unit is weird I don't like bikes I only bike when I have to. I have been bullied ever science I was a 4. I am now starting to become a adult. I don't get to see my friends a lot any more but I do have some new prevleges. My mother allways tells me that with new prevleges comes responseabilities. My mother is very quite and shy. She only speaks when she has something nice of meaningful to say, I like that about her. On the other hand my dad is the opposite he is loud, bostful, and narcissistic. He is very strong but he only works in the nursery.
The little I remember about my sister is that she had brown hair, a pointy nose, and brown eyes. Sometimes my parrents talk about her when we talk about our feelings. I hope they asign a new sister to our family unit some time soon.

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