Monday, December 9, 2013

Sarah Gordo and her reaction

Hi! My name is Sarah Gordo. You probably know me from my previous posts so I won't say anything about that. Instead, I'm here to tell you about the Ceremony. It was incredible. On the first day, the naming happened, which was amazing. It was the best I has ever heard. The names this year were great and they even had another little Caleb for the family that lost their child. My little brother, Tomas, got his bike yesterday. He was so proud when he walked up there, I could tell. He stumbled a bit but at least he didn't bump into the stand like the other kid. We then had lunch and watched the rest. The ceremony ended quickly enough and I went to bed feeling stressed. No, anxious is a better word for it.
  Today couldn't be more different then yesterday. All of the Ceremonies went so slow, I thought I would fall asleep. Finally, the time came. I was number 5. On one side was Asher, and on the other was Alex.
They called out my number and I froze. I couldn't move. This was what my future would be. I forced myself to take a deep and slowly made my way up to the stadium. Now, looking back on it, I don't remember why I was so nervous. I don't remember much of it, except the Chief yelling out                   "NURTURER". I was so happy there were tears in my eyes. When I finally paid attention to the others they were at number 18. I liked Fiona, she was a nice female. After 18 they went straight to 20. At first I was confused but then I felt angry. Somebody in our group had to be not assigned. Of course. After I thought this, I felt ashamed. He was a nice kid and he deserved a job.
       At the end of the ceremony I was prepared to go home but then she called number 19. She told all of us about how he was selected but all I felt during this was relief. Relief that he got a job. Relief that I would not go through pain like that. Relief that it wasn't me. 

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