Monday, December 9, 2013

Aspen Collins 2

        Hi my name is Aspen Collins, I am a female 12.  I live in a content family unit, with my mother Stacey a 34, my father Chuck, who is also a 34, and my younger brother Drew who is a 6.  The ceremony of 12 was yesterday, I got Doctor.  I was thinking about putting in an appeal but I decided that mabye the elders do know best and mabye this job might be enjoyable.
        During the ceremony yesterday,   Somthing very strange happened, the elders skipped number 19!  A boy named Jonas who I don't know very we'll at all, still, I was frightened for him.  Anyway, the elders went right from 18 to 20! We thought, at first, that the elders had made a mistake.  But we soon corrected our selves, the elders never make mistakes.  Especially in the ceremony of 12.   The poor child seemed to be terrified, I had never seen so much fear, unknowing, and embarrassment in one person, ever.  Well, except that time a few summers ago when a young cargo pilot in training flew over our community.  It's sad really, the pilot was released, I believe we all felt for a brief moment, sorry for him.  Anyway back to yesterday.  The elders just kept on going, Pierre, then me, who got the job of doctor, not cargo pilot! Then the 30's, and 40's.  Then something incredible happened!  Jonas, the male 19 was called up last and chosen to be the community's new receiver   Every one was shocked, receiver is the most honored and important job in the community!  I wish I could have been the new receiver, I'm shore Jonas will do great.

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