Thursday, December 12, 2013

Mary Dalton

It's December now, time for the Ceramony Of Twelve.  We watch all the twelves, as they are lined up in neat rows.  I watch my brother as he fidgets in his seat.  We all know what he is going to be assigned, but he is still very nervous.  He is seated next to a small female, with big smile strung across her face. And a male, about his hight, with short, curly hair.  They start with number one.  She stumbles up on to the stage, nurvously clasping, and unclasping her hands.  When they announce her as a engineer, her unsure face, breaks into a smile.  Then they start going through the list.  Twos, threes, fours. Till they get to 14.  Thats my brothers number.  He slowly walks up on the stage.  His eyes flick nervously through the crowd, trying to find where we are seated.  Finally, as the long speech comes to an end, they announce his assignment.  "CARE TAKER". Thank you for your childhood.  He smiles, and steps off the stage.  The strangest thing happened, when they were calling the names, they skipped number 19!  The boys name was Jonas, a friend of  Ivan's.  He looked like he was sick.  The crowd hushed.  Had the speaker made a mistake?  Finally, at the end of the ceremony, the speaker made an apology.  Jonas had been selected to become the new Receiver.  I had no idea what that was.  The speaker said that the Receiver could see beyond. Jonas looked relived, but also a look of uncertainty, as he slowly stepped up on to the stage.  

Monday, December 9, 2013

Mary Dalton

Hi! My name is Mary Dalton. I am a 10. I have one older brother named Ivan,he's a 12. My parents are both a 40. Their names are Adeline, and Roy. We live on Summer St.  My mom was assigned as a nurturer, and my dad as an Engineer. My brother will be assigned a job in a couple days, at the ceremony of twelve.  He is very nervous, but we all know what he is going to be. He always volunteers at the house of the old, so we suspect that he will be a care taker.  I however,  have no idea what I am going to be assigned.  But I am only a 10, so I have a long time before I am assigned.

The Ceremony

Hi, my name is Anna Gordo. If you read my pervious post you would know me and my family quite well. Don't worry I won't talk about my family again, I am here to talk to you about The Ceremony of Twelve. Today is The Ceremony of Twelve and my daughter, Sarah Gordo is going to The Ceremony of Twelve to find out her job. Today is Sarah's big day, the day she has been waiting for years, she finally gets to find out her job. Yesterday was the day Tomas got his bike! Sarah has been really helpful teaching him how to ride it, today Tomas has almost mastered riding his bike, for me it took at least 2 weeks. 

The day went quickly enough, Sarah has been stressed the past couple of weeks but I think tomorrow will pay off. The next day I think was going to be the hardest for Sarah because of all the Ceremonies and she finds out her job. Finally they called up number 5. The time Sarah has been waiting for, this depends on her future. As they called her number, I looked into Sarah's eyes and said "Go, it's your turn." My hand were as wet as a have just rinsed them in the sink, it felt like 2 hours she was standing up there until the Chief final,to said "NURTURER." I looked at Sarah, I could tell the by the look on her face right away I knew that was the job she really wanted.

Ceremony of 12-Daniel Gordon

I sat there, in the organized seats right before the stage gulping down the fear that was forming inside me. It was finally here. I was number seven so I would be the seventh person of the twelves to get their assignment. I glanced around and saw mother me father sitting side by side in the audience looking happily at me. I waved and they waved back reassuringly. I breathed heavily and looked back to the stage where the elders were all waiting for everything be ready. I cocked my head to the left to where number six sat. His name was Lukas. He was a nice but sly boy who would always secretly break minor rules. Like take home a small bit of food. When he  got caught he sincerely apologized and all of the elders loved him for it. On my right was a grim girl named Molly. She was always serious and following the rules. Molly was always the one to ask if anything was alright with the elders. Once we were all settled in, the chief elder stepped up to the podium.  I sat up straight in my seat. The elder lady started the ceremony with a long speech about responsibility in adulthood and the  preparation of being in the community. She moved on and cleared her throat. The Ceremony of 12 had begun.

Chapter 7-8 reaction

      Hello everyone I know we have met before but I'm Jay. I live with my family unit Taylor my wife and Stacy, our female. I have exciting news, we got a male! His name is Bill. Everyone in my family unit is so excited about Bill but I think Stacy was the happiest. I'm getting off topic so I'm going to start talking about what I'm here to talk about, the ceremony of twelve.
       The ceremony of twelve has always been my favorite out of all of the ceremonies. It's so exciting for the new twelves to be assigned the job. I remember when I was on that stage, the Cheif Eleder made a very long speech about me and I almost screamed, "Hurry up! What's my job?!" but when I was assigned caretaker of the old it was worth it.
       After our mid-day meal everyone gathered into the auditorium for the ceremony of twelve. All of the new twelves arranged themselfs in there original numbers. Then, it started the Cheif elder gave her speech about the ceremony of twelve. Next was the exciting part, when they get there jobs. One is a fish hatchery attendent. Next was two she lives in the dwelling next to ours she was assigned a birth mother. I saw her parents wince at what she was assigned to. It all seemed normal until nineteen it was weird because the was no nineteen! I don't know the nineteen was but he was hiding in his seat fearing he had done something wrong. It went on in order except for nineteen. At the end of the twelves assignments the Cheif elder said, "I know that you are concerned. That you feel I have made a mistake." She countinued, "I have caused you anxiety. I apologize to my community." "We accept your apology." We all said. Next came a shocker the nineteen had been assigned to be the next receiver of memory! We all started chanting his name soft at first but it grew louder into a cheer.

Sarah Gordo and her reaction

Hi! My name is Sarah Gordo. You probably know me from my previous posts so I won't say anything about that. Instead, I'm here to tell you about the Ceremony. It was incredible. On the first day, the naming happened, which was amazing. It was the best I has ever heard. The names this year were great and they even had another little Caleb for the family that lost their child. My little brother, Tomas, got his bike yesterday. He was so proud when he walked up there, I could tell. He stumbled a bit but at least he didn't bump into the stand like the other kid. We then had lunch and watched the rest. The ceremony ended quickly enough and I went to bed feeling stressed. No, anxious is a better word for it.
  Today couldn't be more different then yesterday. All of the Ceremonies went so slow, I thought I would fall asleep. Finally, the time came. I was number 5. On one side was Asher, and on the other was Alex.
They called out my number and I froze. I couldn't move. This was what my future would be. I forced myself to take a deep and slowly made my way up to the stadium. Now, looking back on it, I don't remember why I was so nervous. I don't remember much of it, except the Chief yelling out                   "NURTURER". I was so happy there were tears in my eyes. When I finally paid attention to the others they were at number 18. I liked Fiona, she was a nice female. After 18 they went straight to 20. At first I was confused but then I felt angry. Somebody in our group had to be not assigned. Of course. After I thought this, I felt ashamed. He was a nice kid and he deserved a job.
       At the end of the ceremony I was prepared to go home but then she called number 19. She told all of us about how he was selected but all I felt during this was relief. Relief that he got a job. Relief that I would not go through pain like that. Relief that it wasn't me. 

Bryn Wight- Post 2

It's December now and today was the last day of the ceremony's, and  during the ceremony of 12 something strange happened. I was watching carefully since one of the children -Grace- often volunteered as a speaker and I was hoping she would be assigned as one. So I was very startled when the Chief Elder skipped right from 18 to 20! Number 19- I believe his name was Jack or maybe Jonas? Yes I think it's Jonas. Well Jonas, looked so worried I thought he might have a heart attack! When the Chief Elder got through the rest of the numbers I almost thought she had made a mistake. Finally though Jonas made his way to the stage.
       Jonas was selected to be the receiver. I'm not entirely sure what it means but I remember when the last selection failed. I was only a sixteen back then, I didn't really know what was going on- all I knew was that something terrible had happened. I hope Jonas won't fail, but I have a feeling he won't- and maybe he will find something, something about outside the fence and about what the comfort objects are. I had pushed those thoughts away though, I shouldn't be thinking about outside.

7 & 8 response Asante

I had this friend when I was an 11 turning into a 12. His name is Jonas. I remember talking to him before the ceremony asking him what he wanted to get as his assignment. He said he didn't know. He asked me what I wanted to get and I said a teacher of a food preparer. I was the 13th child  that year and got a great round of applause. A couple people later something peculiar happened, they did not call person number 19 to the stage! That person happened to be Jonas. So they kept going to person number 20 until all the new 12s were called, except for Jonas. Later he was named the new Giver. I did not know what that meant but then we left.

Harrison Forester's Ceremony Experience

Hello, it's Harrison Forester again. Today was the day of the ceremony of the 12's. It was full of joy and excitement. Jonas, the boy next door, was finally a 12! He was very happy to be a 12. There was something different about that ceremony, Jonas received the job "Reciever Of Memories". When Jonas received this information the crowd went into shock for a moment. Reciever of memories is a very special job of you didn't know. Well that's all I have time for right now, goodbye!

Aspen Collins 2

        Hi my name is Aspen Collins, I am a female 12.  I live in a content family unit, with my mother Stacey a 34, my father Chuck, who is also a 34, and my younger brother Drew who is a 6.  The ceremony of 12 was yesterday, I got Doctor.  I was thinking about putting in an appeal but I decided that mabye the elders do know best and mabye this job might be enjoyable.
        During the ceremony yesterday,   Somthing very strange happened, the elders skipped number 19!  A boy named Jonas who I don't know very we'll at all, still, I was frightened for him.  Anyway, the elders went right from 18 to 20! We thought, at first, that the elders had made a mistake.  But we soon corrected our selves, the elders never make mistakes.  Especially in the ceremony of 12.   The poor child seemed to be terrified, I had never seen so much fear, unknowing, and embarrassment in one person, ever.  Well, except that time a few summers ago when a young cargo pilot in training flew over our community.  It's sad really, the pilot was released, I believe we all felt for a brief moment, sorry for him.  Anyway back to yesterday.  The elders just kept on going, Pierre, then me, who got the job of doctor, not cargo pilot! Then the 30's, and 40's.  Then something incredible happened!  Jonas, the male 19 was called up last and chosen to be the community's new receiver   Every one was shocked, receiver is the most honored and important job in the community!  I wish I could have been the new receiver, I'm shore Jonas will do great.
Being that i have an eleven i would like to mention that his job is a cargo pilot in training. He will soon to be at the serimony of twelves. My daughter will be at the serimonie of twelves in a couple years. I am exited for my son. He will finally find his place in sosiety.

Anna's Ceremony of 12

Today was my ceremony of  12. It was full of laughter and fun. I was so nervous! My insides felt funny. I remember, hearing the crowd applauding, and my friends slowly one by one go up to the stage. I remember closing my eyes and feeling the warmth of the light on the stage, and me, walking up to the stage and everyone cheering for me. And I got Instructor of Sixes! I was so proud and my parents were too. After me, it was Jack's turn. He looked really nervous and scared. He was so lucky that he got the job he wanted! He got a Cargo Pilot! I'm so proud of him. All his hard work and time. He promised that I would be able to go flying with him, but I know he is lying, because that would break some kind of rule. Well, I'm off to go train some sixes! I'm so happy, that I got such a wonderful job!


Here I will tell you about my experience in the ceremony of twelve.

When I was an eleven all I could think about all day was the ceremony of twelve. I was always hoping to follow my dad's footsteps as a pilot but I just didn't think that they would assign it to me. When the ceremony of twelve actually happened I was super nervous. When I finally knew that me Tony Richardson was about to get what he would be doing for most of  his life, I got super nervous. They called me up and I tried to act as humble as I could. When they assigned me a pilot I could barely believe my luck. I knew that this was the job I wanted and I would be happy with it forever.  

Responding to chp.7&8

7. At the beginning of chapter seven all the parents with no children or just one kid came to the ceremony to get a child. It talked about how when a child isn't behaving the right way a mother or father can call there child by their original name (which is a number) like "Number 37, get over here now!"
8.Jonas was really excited to be a 12. Asher becomes a instructer of 3's and another girl named Inger got assigned to be a birth mother but when it's his turn to get a assignment the announcer skips over him. Jonas was really stressed out because he had no idea why he didn't get a job. Then finally when all the 12's where picked the person finally came back to him and said "Jonas has been selected to taught by the giver.

Allie Brown 2 By Jessie Robicheaw

Why hello again! I am so glad to see you! Today was a very important day, it was the ceremony of 12's. We unfortunately could not attend since Molly is only a five, but we heard all about it. Everything went smoothly up until they reached number 19. They skipped right over him! Then at the end of the ceremony they called 19 up and told him that he was the chosen one. When I heard this I was very excited. We haven't had a new chosen one in forever! Oh, I wish I could have been there, it sounded very exciting. Well, other then that, not much has changed around here. Oh! I almost forgot, Josh unfortunately had to release someone this week. It was quite sad because he was only a 13 who got in trouble way too many times for taking food from the cafe. Also there was a newborn who, like Molly, had pale blue eyes. I still am not used to seeing it but oh well, what are you gonna do about it. It was wonderful talking to you again! Come back soon!

Ceremony of Twelve

          Well, today was the day. I knew my daughter, Anna had been crossing her fingers. There was really no reason to. Everyone knew she would be a caretaker of the old. Her birth number was five, one of the earlier for her group. Lucy and I where in the back seats listening carefully as they went along the line of twelves. One was called up. It was a male. He was given the job of pilot. That brought back good memory's. Next two went up, then three, and then four. "Five." It was finally Anna's turn. She slowly walked up the stairs. They gave a nice speech. Then she got her job. It was Caretaker of the Old. A huge smile broke across her face. She couldn't wait to start her training.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Allie Brown by Jessie

Hello! My name is Allie Brown. I am a 27 married to a male named Josh who is also a 27. We have one child who is a female 5 named Molly. I work as a nurturer, and Josh is in the law enforcement. We have a family unit near the school on seven street. Josh and I aren't exactly friends but we don't have any choice so we just deal with it. One thing I personally don't mind about Josh, is that he keeps people who do the wrong thing in line. Something I hate about his job is the fact that sometimes he has to release people. I believe that people make mistakes and  they don't deserve to be released for having an accident. Anyway, I love working with new borns. I love to see their little faces every morning when I I come to work. Our daughter Molly is different from everyone else. She has pale blue eyes and is super funny but she also doesn't dream. The nurturers and I are trying to figure it out but no matter what we do we just can't seem to figure it out. I hope one day they will solve thus problem. It was wonderful meeting you! Come back anytime you would like

Emma Zeenburg

My shoe laces were cold and stiff when I sprang through the house of my dwelling. My mother was making some sort of soup and a golden glow emanated from the kitchen. I pulled off my boots and shook out a puddle of wet snow and stripped off my soaking undergarments. I turned back to look out the window, watching as the needle-nosed plane whizzed out from behind a patch of trees. I called out my mom and she dried her hands then came running. We watched in fascination as it disappeared into the sky. My mom, who was only a Thirty-Six, paired unusually with my father who was much older, called to my little brother Kyle. He stepped out of his room, holding his small comfort object called a zebra. I have never heard of a zebra, but my father told me they are decorated in beautiful black stripes. Kyle rubbed the drowsiness out of his eyes and scratched his long dark hair. Kyle, only a Six, still had long hair. He climbed up onto a cushioned chair and peered out the window. I turned my attention back to the window where people had started to gather to watch the plane. I saw a boy, who's head was craned up to see the aircraft. I thought he was beautiful. He had short cropped dark hair and light eyes. I wondered about those eyes. They seemed to hold so much mystery and sorrow. I wanted to shake the sensation out of my head. I had already started to have weird feelings. My mother called them Stirrings. I told her and she gave me large white pills that supposedly made them disappear. Even though I knew my friend Fiona had started taking them, I almost liked the feelings. They were nice, nice to think that someone cared about me and that I cared about them. I am only an Eleven of course, and if I don't take the pills, people will start to wonder about me. What if I'm released for not taking them? I tried to push that to the back of my mind. I shoved open the door in front of me, releasing the warm air that was trapped in our small dwelling. Out of the entire town, our house might have been the smallest. It was old and shabby, with a tilted roof and broken shutters. I stepped outside allowing cold air to wash around me. I was about to talk to the boy when he tugged a little girl, probably a Seven or an Eight and ran into the crowded streets. I tried to bite back my disappointment and grabbed my bicycle. It was already time for my volunteer hours at the Nurturing Center. I loved watching the little Newchildren grow up before your very eyes. They were fun to play with of course, and I loved the little male called Gabe. He looked a lot like the boy in the crowd. With the same light and mysterious eyes and the ruffled dark hair. I zipped through the streets and turned a corner. There, I rested my bicycle on the bike port and jogged up the marble steps. Upon opening the door, I instantly heard the wailing of Newchildren, hungry, tired, or needing to be changed. I couldn't wait for my Ceremony of Twelve where I would no longer have to volunteer and I could get my real job. Taking care of the Newchildren was fun, indeed, but it was a long and tiring job. I wanted to be a Nurturer, like my father. Or a construction worker like my mom. She had rough hands though, from all of that hard work, whereas my father had soft gentle hands from working with the Newchildren. I peered inside Gabe's crib, and he lay sucking on a plastic stopper called a binkie? He was small for his age, almost too small. I reached under his soft chubby arms, and lifted him from the bed. He was surprisingly heavy for such a small Newchild. I took him to a shelf and changed him, patting the back of his head gently as I cleaned his backside. Ruby, my supervisor was standing in the doorway, watching me work. She was tall and sturdy with large hands and a muscular face. She was very gentle, though, tending every Newchild with care. She patted me on the back and told me I could go after I washed up. I cleaned and dried my hands, leaving Gabe sleeping soundly in his little bed. I left the Nurturing Center, and headed for the square. I hadn't thought about the plane much since this morning, but it buzzed in the air like a swarm if gossiping bees. I heard it everywhere, whispers of the pilot and his plane. Startling me, an announcement boomed over the loudspeaker. "Attention! Needless to say this pilot will be released." The words stood in the silence for what seemed like hours, until people resumed their usual work. The Ceremony of Twelve was tomorrow and I hadn't even though about what my job would be. Upon reaching my dwelling, I pushed open the door and headed straight for my room. It was neat and tidy, yet very cramped. Our small crooked house only provided us with small crooked rooms. I had just lay my coat in the bed, when Mother came in holding a cup of tea. She sat next to me and set down her cup. " I know scared you must be, considering your job will be picked tomorrow. Tell me how you feel," she said, almost like a robot. I hated the way people talked like they were required to say things, which they were. We talked about my feelings and the coming day. I couldn't explain the feelings, different from the stirrings, yet nothing I had ever felt before. I felt....anxious? I was waiting for the announcement of my name, the cry of my future. Mother gave me a robotic hug, patting me three times on the back. She told me," When I was given my job at The Ceremony of Twelve, I was nervous and excited just like you. It will all work out I promise."  My mother got up from the bed, the mattress making a noise that sounded like the the animal Father described as a toad, and left the room. She left me thinking about what tomorrow would bring, and what I would be given as a job. The thoughts swirled in my head as I gulped down the white pills, that I had finally decided to start taking, and the thoughts became dreams, and I drifted off to sleep.

The next day brought a warm sunshine and a chilly summer breeze. It was brisk outside, but very sunny. I pulled on my nice dress pants and then my white blouse. I threw on my coat and trotted downstairs. The sun shone through the dusty windows, creating dancing specks that streamed from the window panes and onto the wooden floor boards. I strode into the kitchen, looking as confident and grownup as possible for Mother and Father. Kyle was already at the table, dressed up in his buttoned coat and his hair combed straight. I sat down cautiously at the table, folded my napkin and began to eat my oatmeal. It had just brought the spoon to my mouth when Mother announced it was time to leave for The Ceremnoy of Twelve. I shoveled the rest of the oatmeal into my mouth and grabbed my jacket.  We pedaled hard and fast to the Ceremony, leaving our bicycles on the bike port. We hurried inside, searching for a seat. The young Fours had already become Fives, and the Fives had lined up. I found a seat near the back, behind the boy from the streets. He was shaking slightly and I found that I was shuddering, too, nervous and anticipating the moment I would get my job and become an adult.We sat through the Sixes, where Kyle became a Seven, and we clapped politely. Next, the Sevens, Eights, Nines, and Tens were called to the stage, and presented with their age's gifts. Finally the Elevens were called. The announcement was loud and it echoed through the building. Obediently, the Elevens sat in their chairs, restless. In alphabetical order, the names of all the Elevens were called, and of course, being a Z in the alphabet she was dead last. The others sat happily, for their jobs had been picked appropriately for them. She stepped up from her chair and gulped, surveying the audience, who peered expectantly at her. The man smiled at her, shook her hand and shouted,"Emma Zeenburg has been assigned as-" but before he could finish, an explosion shook through the building and everything blacked out.

The giver

Hi my name is Clay. I have a sister that was released when she was a 9. My family unit is kinda messed up we live right on the corner of maine street. My mother and father are both work in the  nursery  I am a 13 everyone thinks me and my family unit is weird I don't like bikes I only bike when I have to. I have been bullied ever science I was a 4. I am now starting to become a adult. I don't get to see my friends a lot any more but I do have some new prevleges. My mother allways tells me that with new prevleges comes responseabilities. My mother is very quite and shy. She only speaks when she has something nice of meaningful to say, I like that about her. On the other hand my dad is the opposite he is loud, bostful, and narcissistic. He is very strong but he only works in the nursery.
The little I remember about my sister is that she had brown hair, a pointy nose, and brown eyes. Sometimes my parrents talk about her when we talk about our feelings. I hope they asign a new sister to our family unit some time soon.

The life of Phil Chaznek by Kyle

Hi my name is Phil Chaznek and I am a 15. I live in a 2 story house on 22 Floofer ville. I live with my mom who is a 39 and my dad is a 40, I also have a sister who is a 7 and her name is Kylie. My mom is a nurture and my dad is a mentor. My sister is still volunteering at different jobs

    My life has been pretty good so far. The only bad was that I almost got released for not being respectful towards the elderly. But I got my life back in order and I now respect everyone. My job is being a cargo pilot, I love my job I think it is the best job out there. I deliver the things that we need to village in order to survive. All in all I have a good life.

My Life As Bryn White

Hi! My name is Bryn White, I am a 26. Me and my husband, John White (a 29) have a family unit on the corner of brown street. We have two children; Charlie White who is a 8, and Meg white who is a one.
        We just received Meg last year as a replacement child, the first Meg was only a five (Charlie was a two) when she wandered elsewhere and was lost. Charlie started his volunteer hours this year and spends most of them at the house of the old. My husband works as a nurturer and I am a speaker. I have dark straight hair down to my shoulders just like all adult females and I'm quite short for an adult. John is tall with short dark hair and dark eyes. We both have pale skin and similar features.


Im Tom Strout and im a 9, my brother is a twelve his job is to semd mail to all the people in the town his name is john. I'm still in school but when I'm a twelve i am givin a job,task, to carry out. I'm a tall and talented basketball player. My best friend is Caden he is a ten he is like me because he is nice,he is not executed for his job. My mom and dad are both 50s and has retired from there job as pipe workers. My life is easy but I always worry about the man who got relesed, I wonder what happened when he got relesed. Recently a 5 had died by jumping off a a two story window, the kids parents didn't know until, john my brother saw the kid in pain and quickly ran to the kids parents but it was to late the kid had died, after his death the whole town has came to a sad ceremony.

The life of Sarah Gordo

Hi, my name is Sarah Gordo. I am a 12 and I live with my brother, a 9, and my parents, a 32 and a 40 on 1200004500321123 Gordo Street. My moms name is Anna Gordo, my dad's Henry Gordo, and my brothers is Tomas Gordo. I work at the House of Old because I have always wanted to help people. I like talking to the people because they know so much about life. They have been through so much in life and they aren't afraid to pass down their wisdom to other people.Nobody knows this, but I now know about the society and its secrets. I know that they watch us but I mean they have to keep control of us somehow, right? Well, that's enough about me. I have to respect my family members and to do that I must also speak about them.

My brother is more than excited to get his bike and I'll admit that I helped him ride it a couple of times. Okay, maybe more than a couple of times. Anyway, I hope he becomes a Nurturer. That would have been my second choice, so if he becomes one, then it's just as good as if I'm one. The way he's going though, I think he going to become a Pilot. That wouldn't be too bad though, because he could fly me around but still...I hope he's a Nurturer.  Plus I think that the Nurturers get their wives more quickly because everyone wants to marry a Nurturer. Nobody would mind being with Tomas though, no matter what he is. He's that good looking. Anyway, enough about my brother.

I guess I should also talk about my parents. My mom is a nurturer and my dad is a Pilot. My mom loves her job but I think my dad secretly hates his. I would tell him to apply for an appeal but he'd never admit that he hates his job. My parents don't really talk about themselves so that's all I know.

We'll I think that's enough talk for today. I probably bored you because all the families are like this. The kids aren't all the same age but there are only a few jobs so lots of people have the same job.Well I'm going to go help some old people so I have to go. Bye!

The Giver Autobiography

Harry Fort

Hi, I'm Harry Fort. I live on 59 Harbor street. My family unit consists of my wife, Lucy and two children, Anna and Charlie. Lucy is a thirty-seven. She works as a nurturer. Anna is an eleven. She spends most of her volunteer hours at The House of the Old. She loves working with the older ones. Charlie is only a four. He loves his comfort object. It's called a giraffe.
            I'm a thirty-nine. My job is a Pilot. My father was a pilot as well. As Iwas growing I wanted to be a nurturer. I always loved working with the children. But that changed when I was a ten. I started to love the idea of flying high over the ground. I remember the ceremony of twelve. The announcer walked along the line of children and was giving them their jobs. Then he came to me. I closed my eyes as he said, "Pilot."

Harrison Forester

My name is Harrison Forester. I am a 22, 5 foot 7. I weigh around 170 pounds. I live an Jonas' society and work as nurturer, and care for the young ones. I like to ride my bicycle around but I also enjoy sharing my thoughts and comments of my day at the end of my day. I have a 12 with the name of Eric. Unfortunately my wife drowned in the river a year after we married. I live next to a 12 named Jonas, he and his family are nice and my son and I enjoy their presence.
     My son, Eric, wants to become a pilot and is very good at riding his bicycle. After my wife died it has been a bit harder to raise Eric. When my wife died, we had a ceremony in her honor. Thank you for meeting my family and I but I have to go care for the 1's!

Anna Gordo

Hi I'm Anna Gordo, I am a 32 and I live on 1200004500321123 Gordo Street. My husband is a pilot even though he hates, the kids don't know that because then they will think that whatever we don't like they'll hate, I think he really wanted to have a job like mine or a job like his daughters but he doesn't have a choice so what you get is what you get. Me on the other side am a nurturer and I love it, couldn't ask for a better job. We have two kids Sarah a 12 and she works a the House of Old. My other child's name is Tomas he's a 9. Tomas is really exited because he almost has his bike, Sarah has been really helpful with it she is helping him and everything and it works out well. I think Tomas secretly wants to be a pilot and I'm happy for him because he has a dream, I think it's good to have a dream because he will follow that dream and accomplish a lot in life. I am really exited for future things for Tomas and Sarah because I know that they will succeed a lot in life.

Right now I am pretty scared because Tomas and Sarah have been hanging out with more friends more often and recently about 8 kids have ran away. I am afraid that they are going run away because they would want to fit in with the rest if the kids and they want to become the cool people. I can tell that they are planning to run away because they always secretly talking and almost every night they are in each other's room for a long period of time without fighting and usually if they are in the same room with each other for a short amount of time then they are getting into fights and it's not fun. I think that they are going to run away right when Tomas gets his bike.

Anna Smith

      Hello, my name is Anna Smith. I am an11 and I live with my mother, father and my brother  Jack, also an 11. My father is a Nurturer and my mother is a doctor. My brother talks about being a cargo pilot. I'm not sure what I'm gonna be. I'm thinking a laborer.

       I like to play with my friend Kathy. She is a 12, and. She takes pills to stop stirrings. I can't wait till I have to take them. Pills show a sense of maturity and I'm ready! There a lot of things that are fun about being a 11, but being a 13 is so cool. You get your job.

       We'll I have to go now, but that is my life so far!