Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Life of Daniel Gordon- by Alec Riggle

Hello. My name is Daniel Gordon. I am 5'1 and weigh the almost the same as everyone else (it is forbidden to be to different. I have a short trimmed hair cut that is just above my ears.. I am an 11 waiting eagerly for the moment of becoming a 12. I live near the playground next to my friend Cal who is also an 11 and his 7 sister named Ava. I also have a 7 sister named Brooke. She is short for her age group of females but she weighs the perfect average weight. She is a shy figure with shoulders length smooth hair with her natural ribbon that is always perfectly tied. I work my volunteer hours with the Birthmothers. There, I care for the mothers and play games with them to keep them occupied while they are waiting to have a newborn. My mother who is a 41 named Jen works as a mentor of the sixes and my father Jim works as a mentor of the eights. Our family is very close to each other and we don't even think about sharing ideas and feelings of the day. Sometimes at night as we sit at the kitchen table, Brooke will bring down her comfort animal and place it on her lap while we share. She has always been extremely close to it. All of us unlike most families are real close to each other.


  1. I like how you described your sister. I also like how you described your job.

  2. I thought that you were really descriptive in what you said. You followed the same guide lines as the giver exactly.

  3. Well described. Very good vocab such as figure and eagerly.

  4. I really like how you described your height and weight and how it's no different from anyone else. I also like how well you described your sibling with a lot of detail

  5. Nice job Alec! I love how you talked about the height and weight.
