Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Alexandrea Johan

    Hello! My name is Alexandrea Johan. I am tall and dark eyed. I am a twelve, my job is a doctor. My brother Gabe a fifteen, is a Nurturer. Our mother Hannah, is a nurse, and our father Roberto is a doctor. We are a happy family unit.

  We all live a the end of the community in a small house. I love school and grammar. My passion is to help people. So I went into the ceremony of the twelve thinking that I would be a Nurturer but what a surprise, a doctor. I felt so proud.

  Now I spend my days in classes and a few hands on experiments with females and males. Learning is a priority for me. I want to be a great doctor and I hope I can do that.

   When I was a baby my comfort object was a lion. According to my mother a was a lively baby. My first ceremony was when I was only a few days old. I am the last baby born in my year, even for my age I am tall. Most people are much smaller than me. Well now I have to go so, goodbye.


  1. I really liked how you described Johan's life and the people in his family. The descriptions gave me a very vivid picture and idea of what Johan's life was like. I liked how you mentioned the surprise he had at the ceremony of 12, how he thought he was going to be a nurturer and ended up as a doctor instead. Great Autobiography!

  2. I loved how descriptive the whole thing was. I was full of awesome info from he book, that made it realistic. You are an amazing writer and I love the fluency of the writing.
