Tuesday, November 26, 2013

       Hi, my name is Aspen Collins. I am a female 11.  I live with my mother Stacey, who is a 33, my father Chuck, who is also a 33, and my younger brother Drew who is a 5 and obsessed with his comfort object, a small lion he takes everywhere he goes. We live on the corner of 24th, and 23ed street in a very small community.
       I can't wait for the ceremony of 12!  I want to be a Cargo Pilot just like my father.  My mother says that I shouldn't worry about the ceremony of 12. But I'm still nervous about it.  What if the elders give me a job that I don't enjoy and I am stuck doing it for my entire life, that would be devastating.  No, devastating is to strong of a word, that would be terrible is what I meant to have said.  My younger brother doesn't understand the importance of the ceremony of 12, he is still young so I guess that's all I could ever expect.
      Now, to tell you a little bit about myself.  I am taller than most of the other 11s in my group, and have long dark hair.  I think I have light eyes, but I'm not certain, I haven't looked in a mirror sense I was a 9. I have clear medium skin and a small pointy nose.  I look nothing like my mother or father, but it guess that makes sense because, after all I'm not related to them.  I came from a birth mother that I will never meet.
      I hope you've enjoyed reading about me and my family.

Giver Autobiography

Hello. My name is Tony Richardson. I am a 33. I have a 1 boy and a 6 girl. There named Ryan and Michelle. I have black hair and I am really tall. I am a pilot.

I have flown to lots of different places in my life. A lot of people tell me that I am the best pilot because almost everybody knows me. My favorite part about being a pilot is getting to fly super high in the air and seeing all the sights.

I live an awesome life I grew up fine and I'm super happy where my life is going.


Hi. My name is Asante. I am a 15 and I am a teacher in training. I love to play with my sister who is a
 6. My mother and father are both 46's. I have a friend named Miranda who is a 14, we are in training together. Miranda originally wanted to be a nurturer, like her mother. But now she likes the teacher course we are taking.

 I have an interesting past. I am not actually from this community. I was released from a city about 5 miles from here. I was one of two released baby's that year. Shortly after I was releases another released person found me and took me to there camp that they made. Then, one night when I was a 3 I crawled to the entrance of the city and a guard found me and took me in. I am the only non born citizen in this community.

I like training to be a teacher. It is what I hoped to be going into the ceremony of 12. I live a happy life with my family and couldn't be happier...

Alexandrea Johan

    Hello! My name is Alexandrea Johan. I am tall and dark eyed. I am a twelve, my job is a doctor. My brother Gabe a fifteen, is a Nurturer. Our mother Hannah, is a nurse, and our father Roberto is a doctor. We are a happy family unit.

  We all live a the end of the community in a small house. I love school and grammar. My passion is to help people. So I went into the ceremony of the twelve thinking that I would be a Nurturer but what a surprise, a doctor. I felt so proud.

  Now I spend my days in classes and a few hands on experiments with females and males. Learning is a priority for me. I want to be a great doctor and I hope I can do that.

   When I was a baby my comfort object was a lion. According to my mother a was a lively baby. My first ceremony was when I was only a few days old. I am the last baby born in my year, even for my age I am tall. Most people are much smaller than me. Well now I have to go so, goodbye.

The Life of Daniel Gordon- by Alec Riggle

Hello. My name is Daniel Gordon. I am 5'1 and weigh the almost the same as everyone else (it is forbidden to be to different. I have a short trimmed hair cut that is just above my ears.. I am an 11 waiting eagerly for the moment of becoming a 12. I live near the playground next to my friend Cal who is also an 11 and his 7 sister named Ava. I also have a 7 sister named Brooke. She is short for her age group of females but she weighs the perfect average weight. She is a shy figure with shoulders length smooth hair with her natural ribbon that is always perfectly tied. I work my volunteer hours with the Birthmothers. There, I care for the mothers and play games with them to keep them occupied while they are waiting to have a newborn. My mother who is a 41 named Jen works as a mentor of the sixes and my father Jim works as a mentor of the eights. Our family is very close to each other and we don't even think about sharing ideas and feelings of the day. Sometimes at night as we sit at the kitchen table, Brooke will bring down her comfort animal and place it on her lap while we share. She has always been extremely close to it. All of us unlike most families are real close to each other.
      Hello my name is Jay I am a male twenty five. I was lucky enough to be assigned a family unit. I have a wife, who is a twenty six, named Taylor, and I have a beautiful little female that is only a two named Stacy. We are currently waiting to be assigned one more child, a male.
         I am a caretaker of the old and my wife is a laborer. My family units dwelling is on Shell Street and is very close to the house of the old so I do not have to travel far on my bike. I have very pale skin and light colored hair, I am relatively tall in my community. My wife is short compared to other females in the community. Then there is my sweet little female, Stacy, she is always happy and very energetic. She meets up with almost all the standards, perfect weight and height, good hand eye coordination. The only thing I'm afraid of is that she will be too attached to her comfort object when she turns into an eight. Her "giraffe" almost never leaves her side. I'm afraid of this because it's what exactly happened to me when I was an eight. I had trouble falling asleep without my "lion".
     I've shared everything you need to know about me and my family unit and I'm glad you could meet us!

The Giver

Jack korupp.      

I am John Smith and I'm a 37, I have a daughter who is a five and a son who is a thirteen I am a cargo pilot along with my son. My wife is an educator and shes a 35. My son is soon to fill my shoes as a cargo pilot and is already in my footsteps, flying small things like bike parts small distances, while I am flying full bikes , furniture and produce long distances like across the whole city. My daughter is going to be a nurturer for the unnamed and is doing great  in her education, but my son, not so much, he is often having to use a pass to not participate in a class because he is often flying cargo. I live a happy life as usual. I wake up and I am given my pill and my food comes, then after i have finished my food I set my food out then I talk with my family about their dreams. Then I get on my bicycle and head off to work with my son at my side. We ride past the education center and my son leaves me to get his education. Then my wife leaves with my daughter and heads off to the same place, the education building. I go out, fly a couple loads of cargo then meet my son and fly him and educate him to fly cargo, then we land and come home and my whole family unit meets. We are served our meals and we talk about our days then we go to our beds and go to sleep. That summarizes
my day. Now please leave me I am getting tired, and I need to go to bed. goodnight.  


Create a character from The Giver and post an autobiography. Make sure to use the book as a reference guide! Why? In Jonas' society they do not have social media, animals, cell phones, or even iPads. You want to make sure that your character aligns with the book and that your summary of them makes sense. Have fun.